Community Plan – Our resources

illustration of the city

Our resources

Building our Community Plan involved three key components

Community Plan's 3 components: research and trends, engagement analysis and strategic plan scale

Listening—community and stakeholder engagement

To probe certain areas in more depth, the City convened five sector-specific workshops, conducted a household survey and attended community events. Here is what we heard:

  • What they want Guelph to be
  • What matters to them most
  • Where they see barriers
  • Where they see opportunities

Stay involved

Strategic plan scan

The strategic plans scan looked at 80 City and collaboration-based plans, narrowed down to 38 plans for an in-depth study. The scan helped to identify and incorporate existing priorities, uncover new opportunities, understand the relationships and overlap of existing plans, and help people easily navigate and understand the maze of existing plans.

Research and trends— the Village of 100 data project

The Village of 100 People data project saw the City produce an infographic-based community profile. This easy-to-digest summary document captures key data points from sources across the community. It shows you what Guelph looks like as a village of 100 people so that our conversations can be based on key demographics and trends.
Guelph as a village of 100 People